Mao Ito
ファニー・メンデルスゾーン国際コンクール2022 プロフェッショナルヴァイオリン部門第1位、第7回日本管弦打楽器ソロ・コンテスト第1位及びクリスタルミューズ賞、第16回KOBE国際音楽コンクール第2位及び兵庫県芸術文化協会賞、第5回蓼科(現セシリア国際)音楽コンクール第2位、公益財団法人樫の芽会第10回樫の若木賞受賞。
東京都立芸術高等学校音楽科、東京音楽大学音楽学部音楽学科器楽専攻を経て、2019年同大学大学院音楽研究科科目等履修修了。ヴァイオリンを大谷康子、海野義雄、神尾真由子、嶋田慶子、漆原朝子、村瀬敬子、山岡耕筰、マーク・ゴトーニ 各氏に師事。室内楽を山口裕之、店村眞積、横山俊朗、大野かおる、橋本京子 各氏に師事。
2019年東京文化会館小ホールにて、文化庁/日本演奏連盟主催「新進演奏家育成プロジェクトリサイタルシリーズTOKYO86 伊藤万桜ヴァイオリン・リサイタル」が好評を博す。
2023年カナダ・モントリオールのマギル大学音楽学部ピアノ科主任教授橋本京子氏のもとに短期留学し、ソナタを中心に学びを深める。マギル大学ソナタクラス聴講、マスタークラス受講、橋本氏主催演奏会にてモーツァルトとバルトークのソナタを共演。2024年7/15に、東京オペラシティにて、橋本京子氏を迎えて「DUO RECITAL」を開催、モーツァルト、R.シュトラウス、バルトークのヴァイオリン・ソナタを披露。2025年は2/23を予定。

Mao Ito has learned the violin from the age of 3 at Toho Gakuen Music Class for Children. And has been performing on many stages nationally and internationally since she was in Tokyo Metropolitan Arts and Music High School, and Tokyo College of Music.
In 2012, completion of Prof. Alberto Martini’s master class at Vicenza Music Conservatory. Recommended by Associatione Italio and chosen to be a Japanese representative participant and concerto soloist for Italia International Festival and performed Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in World heritage Teatro Olimpico.
In 2014, completion of Prof. Mark Gothoni’s master class at International Music Academy Pablo Casals and being chosen, performed Schubert’s string quartet at Festival Pablo Casals de Prades in France.
In 2015, received the scholarship from Tokyo College of Music to participate in Bayerische Landesjugend Orchester which joined New Year Concerts under the baton of Jonathan Nott in Munich and Berlin. Also, completion of Prof. Kyoko Hashimoto’s master class, performed Shostakovich Piano Trio in Kirchberg International Festival.
In 2016, was awarded the Excellence Award at a rookie performer audition of Nerima Ward in Tokyo and performed Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto with Tokyo Philharmonic orchestra as a soloist.
In 2017~18, received the recommendation from Tokyo College of Music, took public lessons of Prof. Lucie Robert, Prof. Boris Davidovich Belkin, Prof. Leon Spieler, Lorenz Nasturica-Herschcowici.
In 2018, completion of Aleksey Semenenko’s master class at Internationale Musik Akademie Anton Rubinstein in Germany.
Also, performed Japanese composers scores of contemporary as Tokyo College of Music representatives at Rachmaninoff hall of Moscow Conservatory. And, appeared on famous TV(NHK) programs and the radio programs of classical music.
In 2019, held a recital concert at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, organized by the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Japan Federation of Musicians, performed R. Shutraus and Brahms’s violin sonatas, etc., and received great acclaim and popularity.
In 2020, Wieniawski’s Faust Fantasia uploaded has been distributed on the Schloss Academy’s welcome day “CLASSIC @ HOME BEE250VEN”.
In 2021, released her first album “Flessible”. In 2022, released her second album “Couleurs d’un reve”.
She won the First Prize of the Fanny Mendelssohn International Competition 2022 Professional Violin Category in Germany/online . And received Grand Prix Crystal Muse Award in Japanese Orchestral Percussion Solo Contest for Junior and Senior High School Students. And received Second place and Hyogo Prefecture Arts Cultural Association Award in Kobe International Competition, and many other awards.
Currently, graduated from Tokyo College of Music with the second prize. Learned in the same graduate school. Studied the violin under Prof. Yasuko Otani, Prof. Yoshio Unno, Prof. Asako Urushihara, Prof. Mayuko Kamio, Prof. Mark Gothoni.
She has been outreach playing since her teens to many kindergartens, schools and elderly housings. And donates from concert proceeds to the Japanese Red Cross Society to support medical professionals from 2020.

いとう まお ヴァイオリン バイオリン ヴァイオリニスト クラシック